
Friday, November 15, 2013

To: Alderman Arena

In unit two we talked about Gandhi second principal Swadeshi that means self-place/location. What we did in this investigation was to think about a problem that we have in our community. After we decided what problem we have in our community we had to write a letter about it to our local alderman. I decided to talk about drunk people and my local alderman is John Arena. One thing that I learned during this unit is that my community doesn't socialize with each other and kids don't play with other kids for the reason of no safety. Something that I am proud of is my letter format and organization.

November 14, 2013

Dear Alderman John Arena:
Hi, I am KS a student from Global Citizenship Experience high school. In one of my classes, Global Peace I am learning about the principles of Gandhi. One principal that we are learning right now is swadeshi which means self-place/location. I live in the Jefferson park area and I am concerned about the problem that our community is having with drunk people. I see many problems with this in the alley ways on my streets.

I see lots of people drinking on the streets and they don’t know how to control themselves. By drinking too much they become homeless, jobless and lose contact with their family. Most of them are drunk all the time and by being drunk they don’t know what they are doing or saying. I am afraid that they will do something to harm my community.

A consequence that we face, because of the drunk people is that our community/neighborhood is not safe for kids to hang out with friends  or even walking home from school or a bus stop. Another is that since they buy a lot of liquor they don't throw the bottle  away and they leave it on the floor, that will cause the place to look dirty. When the neighborhood is dirty rats come to out allies and houses.

A solution to the problem that I can see is to construct another community center for them to become more mentally stable. Another solution is to send them to Regency Park Nursing and Rehab Center of Jefferson so they can get help from people that have experience for what they are going through. A simple solution could be closing some liquor business so they wont be able to buy that much alcohol.

After all the people that drank a lot have gone to places to help them, our community/neighborhood can be safe. Our community would be clean and kids can go outside to enjoy the weather and company.

Thank you for your time in reading this letter to make our community and neighborhood a better place.

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