
Monday, March 9, 2015


In the second unit of the course Disease, we studied mental disorder. How some disease can affect the brain and the persons body. We specifically looked at Schizophrenia and OCD as examples. Schizophrenia is a disorder where you have negative voices in your head and has a big influence in your decisions. OCD is when someone has to do something repeatedly like checking the door lock to be safe, although the person don't want to the brain does it. For our action project we chose a mental disorder and do a simulation where other people can experience what people with the mental disorder you choose feels. I chose ADHD because someone close to me has it. During this project I had some difficulties in creating my simulation but at the end it wasn't that bad. I learned that ADHD can be combined with ADD and that their is lots of treatments for it.

Scientific Definition: A childhood mental disorder with onset before 7 years of age and involving impaired or diminished attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Also called hyperactive child syndrome in the twentieth century.

My definition: Someone who needs guidance in completing their everyday tasks and understanding of how their brain works differently than others.

KIS. ADHD Flier. 2015

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