
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Interesting Facts about Narwhals

In the first unit of the class Population, we studied taxonomy and math language. Taxonomy is Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species (KPCOFGS). For our first project, we had to choose an animal that we liked from a list of 15 animals that the teacher provided. Most of those animal names weren't common but rare. Out of that list, I choose Narwhal, which is the only aquatic animal with a tusk and is similar to a whale. I did research on this animal and classified it in taxonomy. To visualize its taxonomy, I made a Narwhal collage and labeled it. During this project, I learned about taxonomy. I am proud of my collage.

Taxonomy of Narwhal:

Class:Mammalia-Warm blooded,Has hair,four chambered heart
Order:Cetacea- Aquatic,large animal
Family:Monodontidae-Rounded flippers,live in arctic and neck flexibility due to vertebrate not fused
Genus:Monodon-Narwhal is the only organism in the genus. It is separated from the Baluga by its large tusks
Species:Monoceros-Narwhal is the only species in this genus

KIS.Narwhal collage.2014

KIS.Ven Diagram of Narwhal and Fennec Fox. 2014.

KIS.Narwhal element of...2014.

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