In this project we had to gather five different resources of water. The reason why we gather different types of waters was to measure the pH (partial hydrogen) of them. After we measured, the unit asked me to build a water filter to clean dirty water. The unit was based on how I can help people when they have a flood in their country and all the clean water resorces got contaminated. Now I can offer them a resource that they can use to clean their water and not get sick from the dirty water. I learned how to make my own filter in case anything happens to my water. Im proud of my success in building the filter and almost making it drinkable.
KIS. Water Filter. (2013)
KIS. pH measurements. (2013)
The materials that I used to build this water filter was a container (from my house), half of an empty soda container, cotton balls (at the bottom and at the very top), sand (from the beach), gravel (from Home Depot), grass (from my backyard), activated carbon (teacher provided for us), and finally dirty water (from lake Michigan).
Please see the picture for a clear visual of my filter.The process that I took to build my filter was. First I cut the soda container in half, second I take of the cap of the soda (I was suppose to poke a hole through the cap but it was to hard). Third I put a layer of cotton balls in the bottom, Fourth I put a layer of sand. Fifth I put a layer of gravel, Sixth I put a layer of grass. Finally I put a thin layer of cotton balls and I poor lake water into the filter. In order for my filter to work I had to be careful with how much I put of one thing and in which order will be best for the filtration. My filtration example is similar to the actual filtration that happens under ground and that cleans the water that we drink today.
The pH of the lake water was 6.5, after I filtered it once it was 6 and when I added activated carbon to make it a little more cleaner it still had a pH of 6. When I first filtered it it came out yellow probably because I put to much sand. In my second filtration it came out much better it was more clear and it still had a pH of 6 so even if it looks clean preferable not to drink it until your sure. The pH after i mix the activated carbon increase and it was a pH of 7 so now its more neutral. For this project I had a choice to drink the water but I decided not to for safety reasons. Also during my experiment I noticed that you have to filter the water couple times before it gets clean and you to be able to try drinking it.
"Survival Skills.", n.p. Fri. 27 Sep. 2013
"Practical Primitive.", Feral Human Productions. Fri 27 Sep.2013
"Water Filter.", Media wiki. Fri 27 Sep. 2013
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