
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Self Analysis

For the first unit of the course System and Models we studied, psychologists, people, groups and ourselves. We researched psychologist that are part of history, we researched what they were known for, their background and what other accomplishments they did. We watched so many test to show how certain people react to things, situations and people. Some test we looked at was The Marshmallow Test, The Slap Her Test and The Stanford Prison Test. They all tested different people, different age group, different scenarios and they test to see what part of our human nature shows up. We also took personality test to know more about ourselves. We took the Myers Briggs test, TKI test, Enneagram test, Disc test and Conflict test. For our action project, we took the results we got from the test and include them in a self portrait. Our self portrait could be anything we consider art like painting, drawing, sculpture, abstract and many more. I chose drawing because it’s something I can do. Along with my drawing I wrote an artist statement that explains my art and what it represents. During this project I had difficulties with coming up with my final drawing and getting a view of a professional artist. I learned how long it takes to write an artist statement and how much detail you have to put in it. Also I learned and confirmed a lot from the personality tests. Overall I had fun with this project and I enjoyed it. To know more about me check out my artist statement below.

KIS. Self Portrait Drawing. 2017. 

Self Portrait
8.5” by 11”

In my drawing I am the flowers. The big flower is me to everyone, I am an introvert, I don’t talk much to anyone and I just observe everyone. Once people get to know me I become the open small flowers around the big flower because I talk more, I care for them, I am friendly and I have a strong connection to my friends. My drawing represents how i've been for my whole life until now. The music notes don’t represent me, but music has been in my life and it’s an important part in my life. That’s why I chose notes to represent music. I used the TKI and the Myers-Briggs test to help me create my self portrait. The TKI shows up in the big flower in the middle because I am an avoider of conflict so I am just closed off and quite. I also don’t attempt to satisfy my own needs nor attempt to satisfy the other person’s needs. The flowers around represent the other test, I am an ISFP. I am the small flowers because once people get to know me I am friendly, I step up onto what needs to be done, I live in the present moment, I help others, I am non judgemental and I am loyal. Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing said "The work of their hands is usually more eloquent than anything they say." (Myers, page1). Another ISFP, David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II said "The Composers are attuned to sensory variation, which gives them an extraordinary ability to work with the slightest nuances of color, tone, texture, aroma, and flavor." (Keirsey, page 1). A person who I identify with is the psychologist and philosopher William James. James is known for introducing psychology and bringing psychology laboratories to the United States. I identify with him because he had an interest for philosophy and I like to use philosophy in some situations. Also he had back issues like I do, but his was more serious. I also used the “Slap Her” test to relate to. In this test small boys were asked to slap a girl and all didn’t because it’s not right, they don’t want to hurt her and they were raised not to hit girls. This is similar to the way I think. I treat others the way they treat me and I always respect people because that’s how I was raised.

In the beginning I had different idea but after talking to a couple of classmates my self portrait changed. My initial idea was going to be a drawing of many things that make me what I am today, but my drawing didn’t fulfill the rubric and it didn’t explain me good. It only showed the outside of me instead the inside. I had to rethink my drawing and my classmates helped me with it and it became to what it is now. I chose nature as an overall theme because I like nature, specifically flowers. The point of my self portrait is to tell others how I am and not to expect other things from me that I might be able to do or reach their expectations. To see that to get into my trusted circle of friends won’t be easy and it takes time. I also think from a different perspective, I like to think outside the box and step back to fully analyze a situation. I want people to think that I can be a flower. I can be very closed off and sometimes come off with a not intended bad vibe, but I can open like a flower over time. Having the artist statement count more than the portrait itself influenced me to have a simple drawing. In the statement I have to worry about getting into detail and explaining my drawing and thought process. I honestly like it better because I don’t have the right skills to make a detailed drawing, painting or sculpture and writing is something I am good at. In this project I had difficulties with finding the right person for my interview and expressing myself through the drawing. I did not expect to find it so hard to come up with a concept that represents me and that fulfil the rubric. It was easy to do the interview after I got a hold of a person.

I interview Jackelyn to know how professional artist write their artist statement. I learned that she likes hearing the viewers opinions of her art and she likes leaving it open for them to interpret it how ever they want. “I know a lot of us don’t like writing them, but gallerie and different people in just either the art community or non art community want to know more about an artist” she said. While talking with her this struck me because it shows the side of the artist in writing the artist statement and how it’s a requirement so that the viewers can understand it more.


“Good and Bad Avoiding | Using the TKI to better resolve conflict.” Psychometrics Canada. N.p. January 22, 2017. Web. January 11, 2016.

“Isfp.” ISFP in Depth - Discover Your Strengths and Make the Most of Your ISFP Talents | Truity. N.p. January 22, 2017. Web. January 11, 2016.